Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Gamer in me

I finally broke down and spent the money buy RockBand. Why did I wait this long!? Rockband is a very addicting game. I still spend a lot of time on the guitar sense I've played through every Guitar hero game made so far. Including the not so great 80's version. I'm on the expert difficulty setting in the video game world and on the medium difficulty in the real world. (I play guitar in real life too.) I've started to play around with the drums in rockband but still find myself struggling with eh bass pedal. It's hard!

Anyway on a side note, I'm displeased with how Sony stopped making the 80gb PS3 and is only now sticking with the 40gb. Bummer. Now you have to buy an adapter to play with all the instruments at once. The 40gb has only two usb ports were the 80gb has four. weak...

Also today is my last day of classes for this semester. I very excited to finish all the work I've been slaving over for the last couple weeks. although I still have a lot of work to get down over the break for my portfolio. I'm actually typing this before my second class starts. lol. Well, time to go. later.

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