Monday, April 14, 2008

Its been awhile

Alright so its been while since I blogged. I've been very busy trying to finish up some designs. I'm putting some finishing touches on The Dark Days Series site and continuing some design work on the side.

-The Mini Project
-Some Photography
-Vector Animation

I should stay pretty busy for the next few weeks.

-As a side note I'm trying to decide if I want to redesign my own portfolio. I've got some ideas I want to incorporate but, trying to find the time to work on it. If I start, I'm not going to stop until it's finished. It would be very nice though. Hmmm...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Final Fantasy Goodness

I came across a great video of animation recently with Final Fantasy Characters fighting Dead or Alive characters. For those living in the dark, These are video game characters. The videos are called "Dead Fantasy". Its a two part series and I believe they are adding parts. These are easily found on either You Tube or Google Video. I highly recommend finding these videos and watching them. They are inspiring me to work on animation more.