So I've decided to begin a blog. This of course is linked to my main web page but allows me to better talk about design for anyone interested. I guess I'll start out talking about myself a little to let you into my world. I 'm currently attending The Art Institute of Ohio-Cincinnati Studying Interactive Media Design. I basically design Web pages, video Games, advertisments, cell phone programs, kiosks, anything you can interact with. I spend a lot of time designing flash games and animations. It's pretty fun to be able to play a game that you created.
I get a lot of my inspiration from Frank Lloyd Wright. I know, I know, he's an architect, but he still greatly influences my work. The way he mixes the two worlds of nature and modern design together really makes people think. I like to make poeple open thier minds once in awhile. Most people loose thier imagination when they grow up only to live everyday just like the one before it and never try anything new. If I can open someones mind just for a second to see something and try to understand something new then I feel that ive done my job. We must continue to use our imagination long into old age.
I live my life by a simple quote I came across that made me smile and really made me think about what I wanted to do with my life.
"It's fun doing the impossible."
-Walt Disney
NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE if we can put our minds to it. That is why we must hold onto imagination.